- Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Stories.


Original Stories from the Universe of Speculative Fiction with Christian themes or written by Christian authors.

  If what you're looking for is novels, short story anthologies/collections, non-fiction related to science fiction and fantasy, including the best guide on learning how to write speculative fiction genres you've ever seen, you're in the right place!

The Bond of Sword Book 1

The Bond of the Sword

by Travis Perry with Cindy Koepp

The Bond of War Book 1

A father recounts the events that led to brutal combat in the Second Dragon War, a chain of happenings that began with his entry into the Tournament of Swords as a teen, as a member of a team lead by his uncle Haelin. Through fires of hardship -at time as sword student, a bandit, a prisoner, a soldier. and a leader of men in combat- Therin learns the most important lessons were those his Uncle sacrificed all to teach him.

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Dreams and Dragons by L.M. Burklin

Dreams and Dragons by L.M. Burklin

An Anthology of Tales

Fourteen short stories fill Dreams and Dragons, in fantasy and science fiction, with loves lost and found, time travel and voices from beyond the grave, villains and heroes, and of course, some dreams and some dragons. At times these are uniquely quirky tales, at times deeply moving.

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Animal Eye Comic Boook Issue 3 - Cover

Animal Eye Issue 3

Get your copy.

Animal Eye Comic Boook Issue 2 - Digital copy

Animal Eye Issue 2

Get your copy.

Speculative Fiction Featured Titles

Writing science fiction and fantasy is serious business! 

   This statement may very much surprise friends of mine obsessed with politics or convinced this world is about to end soon...to them, I imagine, speculative fiction (a term which always embraces both sci-fi and fantasy and sometimes includes horror) is sheer escapism from the world around us and spending time on it is acting like the proverbial ostrich with its head in the sand.

    I want to acknowledge they have a point.  Speculative lit seems to be nothing but escapism for some people.  And there are times when it is absolutely essential to pay attention to the moment you are in and not wander off mentally to realms of what is not.

    But I believe worlds of speculation , of the unreal, serve a very important function for most people, whether they realize it or not.  They remind people this world we are in is not the only possible world...even what we see all around us will change over time into something else someday.  Science fiction and fantasy explore these other realities of what could have been or what will be.

    THIS WORLD IS NOT ALL THERE, IT shouts speculative fiction, pointing out a void in our human lives...a void that truly longs for the Creator who has the power to create new worlds at a whim...

    Not all speculative fiction books address the void equally well, both creating beautiful unreal worlds while also acknowledging the Creator. We seek out and publish the best speculative fiction we can find, while remembering our speculative fiction's higher purpose.

    And again, if what you're looking for is novels, short story anthologies/collections, non-fiction related to science fiction and fantasy, including the best guide on learning how to write speculative fiction genres I've ever seen, you're in the very right place!


Travis Perry
Editor, Bear Publications.

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